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Basics of relude-fetch library in ReasonML

Created: March 5, 2023


Finally creating a site to house the content that lives in my repository. The end goal is to build a javascript app via ReasonML that will fetch its actual content through Github API calls to the repo.

One important step for this means using the fetch api. This can mean creating bindings by hand from Reason or using the bs-fetch library. Fortunately I like working with the Relude standard library already, and there’s an accompanying library relude-fetch which makes it easy to work with fetch in a more idiomatic functional programming way!

The problem

To use fetch from ReasonML means either creating bindings by hand or using a library that has taken care of this already.

The bs-fetch library knocks out the basics, but leaves us with promises as the main method of interaction:

  |> then_(Fetch.Response.text)
  |> then_(text => print_endline(text) |> resolve)

Promises are fine and all, but both JavaScript and ReasonML have better mechanisms for dealing with asynchronous behavior.

In JavaScript this usually means using async/await. In functional languages like ReasonML this often means using monads, which is what this post will focus on.

The solution

relude-fetch takes the bs-fetch promise and converts it to use Relude.IO. This takes something that composes poorly and turns it into a compositional powerhouse!

Here is where relude-fetch takes the bs-fetch bindings and turns them up to 11:

let fetch: string => Relude.IO.t(Fetch.response, Js.Promise.error) =
  url =>
    Relude.IO.suspendIO(() => Relude.Js.Promise.toIO(Fetch.fetch(url)));

So how exactly does one use this?


Start by defining the type interface for errors. Doing this first will simplify later usage:

module Error = {
  type t = ReludeFetch.Error.t(string);
  let show = error => => a, error);
  module Type = {
    type nonrec t = t;

module IOE = IO.WithError(Error.Type);

Once done you can then access the available infix operators to further simplify usage:

open IOE.Infix;

Now you have access to the monadic bind operator >>= which allows for easier function composition. For example one could write a simple function to take a uri as input and return either the page content as a string, or else an error:

let fetchString = uri => ReludeFetch.fetch(uri) >>= ReludeFetch.Response.text;

Here’s what it looks like to use our newly created fetchString command:

|> fetchString
|> => setter(_ => content))
|> IO.mapError(error => setter(_ => error |>
|> IO.unsafeRunAsync(Result.fold(() => (), () => ()));

Here is what’s going on in the above code:

More reading