Finally creating a site to house the content that lives in my trite.io-content repository. The end goal is to build a javascript app via ReasonML that will fetch its actual content through Github API calls to the trite.io-content
One important step for this means using the fetch api. This can mean creating bindings by hand from Reason or using the bs-fetch library. Fortunately I like working with the Relude standard library already, and there’s an accompanying library relude-fetch which makes it easy to work with fetch in a more idiomatic functional programming way!
The problem
To use fetch from ReasonML means either creating bindings by hand or using a library that has taken care of this already.
The bs-fetch
library knocks out the basics, but leaves us with promises
as the main method of interaction:
|> then_(Fetch.Response.text)
|> then_(text => print_endline(text) |> resolve)
Promises are fine and all, but both JavaScript and ReasonML have better mechanisms for dealing with asynchronous behavior.
In JavaScript this usually means using async/await. In functional languages like ReasonML this often means using monads
, which is what this post will focus on.
The solution
takes the bs-fetch
promise and converts it to use Relude.IO
. This takes something that composes poorly and turns it into a compositional powerhouse!
Here is where relude-fetch
takes the bs-fetch bindings and turns them up to 11:
let fetch: string => Relude.IO.t(Fetch.response, Js.Promise.error) =
url =>
Relude.IO.suspendIO(() => Relude.Js.Promise.toIO(Fetch.fetch(url)));
So how exactly does one use this?
Start by defining the type interface for errors. Doing this first will simplify later usage:
module Error = {
type t = ReludeFetch.Error.t(string);
let show = error => ReludeFetch.Error.show(a => a, error);
module Type = {
type nonrec t = t;
module IOE = IO.WithError(Error.Type);
Once done you can then access the available infix operators to further simplify usage:
open IOE.Infix;
Now you have access to the monadic bind operator >>=
which allows for easier function composition. For example one could write a simple function to take a uri as input and return either the page content as a string, or else an error:
let fetchString = uri => ReludeFetch.fetch(uri) >>= ReludeFetch.Response.text;
Here’s what it looks like to use our newly created fetchString
|> fetchString
|> IO.map(content => setter(_ => content))
|> IO.mapError(error => setter(_ => error |> ContentFetch.Error.show))
|> IO.unsafeRunAsync(Result.fold(() => (), () => ()));
Here is what’s going on in the above code:
- The first line is our
in string format. - The second line (
) applies our function, which lifts everything into an IO. This IO is an operation that is “waiting” to happen, but won’t actually do anything just yet. - The third line (
) specifies what to do with the result if the fetch call was successful. In this case using a React state setter function to update some component with the response body. - The fourth line (
) specifies what to do with the error if the fetch call failed. This example would convert the error to a string and then display it using the same setter function. - The fifth line (
) finally runs the operation, causing the fetch call to fire and then handling either the result (IO.map
) or failure (IO.mapError